

Born in: Canarias
Age: 59
Offspring: 4
Marital status: Married
Job: Forest Guard
Date of the attack: 02/10/1978
Place of the attack: Lizartza
Guilties: José Manuel Arzallus Eguiguren (alias Casero), Martín Sansebastián Aguirre, Pedro María Goñi Lizarza, Miguel Lopetegui Larrarte (detenido y acabó suicidándose en la cárcel)
Weapon: Gun
Killed by: ETA


Forest warden Ramiro Quintero Ávila was killed towards the end of the day in Lizarza (Guipúzcoa) by terrorist group ETA. Members of ETA’s Uzturre group of ETA had been monitoring his movements since July of that year and knew that he used to drink at the Leku Alai Bar, located just below his home, in the so-called Casa de Zubiaurre.

Forest warden Ramiro Quintero Ávila was murdered by ETA in Lizarza late on 2 October 1978. Members of ETA’s Uzturre group of ETA had been monitoring his movements since July of that year and knew that he used to drink at the Leku Alai Bar, located just below his home, in the so-called Casa de Zubiaurre.
Using this information, the terrorists stole a car at gunpoint in Villafranca de Ordizia which they used to drive to the Larraenea bridge over the Araxes river, eight kilometres from Tolosa and very close to the bar.
Ramiro left the bar in the company of some friends, including José Antonio Olano Ormaechea, then mayor of Lizarza. The ETA members were waiting near the bridge in a white Seat 127. They started the engine and one of them got out and fired several shots at point-blank range, killing Ramiro Quintero. Given the proximity of the family home, his wife and two of his daughters were among the first to come to his aid.
