

Born in: Castilla-La Mancha
Age: 56
Offspring: 3
Marital status: Married
Job: Colonel of the Army Quartermaster Corps
Date of the attack: 19/07/1989
Place of the attack: Madrid
Guilties: Henri Parot, Jacques Esnal, Francisco Múgica Garmendia.
Weapon: Automatic Riffle
Killed by: ETA


At 11.15 am on 19 July 1989, Colonel José María Martín-Posadillo Múñiz was travelling in an official car with Major Ignacio Julio Barangua Arbués and their driver, Private Fernando Vilches Herranz. They had just left the Army HQ and stopped at a RENFE office to do some business, when two ETA members drove past, strafing their vehicle with machine-gun fire. José María Martín-Posadillo Múñiz and Ignacio Julio Barangua Arbués were both hit in the head and died instantly. Private Fernando Vilches, aged 18, who was serving his first day as a chauffeur, was very seriously injured in the attack.

José María Martín-Posadillo Múñiz was born in Toledo and was buried in the cemetery in Zaragoza. In 2005, he received an honorary promotion to general at the Captain Mayoral Barracks in Zaragoza. At the ceremony, his widow, María Isabel Franco, said; “It was very hard to hold back the tears, although this recognition does help a little to cope with my grief. However there are things you never forget because there’s such a tremendous trauma”.
