

Born in: Comunidad Valenciana
Offspring: 0
Marital status: Single
Job: Civil Guard officer
Date of the attack: 20/09/1980
Place of the attack: Markina-Xemein
Weapon: Automatic Riffle
Killed by: ETA


Antonio García Argente was having lunch with three colleagues (Alfonso Martínez Bellas, Mariano González Huergo and Miguel Hernández Espigares) at the Arrieta bar and restaurant. The front door was locked, but someone knocked on the back door. When the owner’s fifteen-year-old daughter opened the door, thinking it might be a late diner, three terrorists entered without saying a word and riddled the victim and his colleagues with machine-gun fire. All four died instantly.

Three ETA members were convicted of the crime. José Ramón Foruria, who was handed over by the Venezuelan authorities in 2003, was in charge of drawing a sketch of the establishment and planning the attack. Jaime Rementería was responsible for surveillance and for providing information to the perpetrators of the attack. Fidel González lent his car to the terrorists and put them up in a flat for several days, including the night before they carried out the attack.

Antonio Garcia’s mother learned of her son’s death when she went to call the Civil Guard headquarters, unaware that the attack had taken place. However, she dialled the wrong number and got through instead to the surgery of a doctor in the town, where the victims of the attack were being treated. It was then that she learned that her son had been killed.
