Pacífico Fica Zuloaga worked at Explosivos Río Tinto worker and was a member of the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV). He was killed in the multiple attack at the Aldana bar in Alonsotegui. when a powerful bomb went off, containing five or six kilos of Goma-2 with an electric detonation system It was triggered when someone moved or lifted it.
In addition to Pacífico Fica, three other people were killed: María Paz Armiño, Pacífico’s wife, Manuel Santacoloma Velasco and Liborio Arana Gómez, who appears to have unwittingly set off the explosion by moving the bomb. The attack was carried out by the Grupos Armados Españoles (Spanish Armed Groups). The bar was frequented by sympathizers of the Basque Nationalist Party and other left-wing nationalist groups.