El Papus was a satirical magazine with the motto “Neither God nor master nor CNT”. Since its foundation in 1973, it had received a number of threats from extreme right-wing groups. It was finally attacked on 20 September 1977. Two terrorists handed a package to Juan Peñalver Sandoval, the doorman of the Luminor building in which the magazine’s newsroom was located, asking him to give it to Xavier de Echarri, the editor of El Papus.
At 11:40 am, Juan stepped out of the elevator on the first floor of the building, where the offices of El Papus and two other magazines, Party and El Cuervo, were located. The package exploded and Juan Peñalver was killed instantly. More than a dozen people were injured in the blast, including some who were not even inside the building, but walking on the street outside. Two women were seriously injured: Rosa Lorés, who worked as a telephone operator for Ediciones Amaika, the publisher of El Papus and other satirical magazines, and Rosa García Lanciano, Juan Peñalver’s wife.
