Born in: Asturias
Age: 43
Offspring: 0Marital status: Married
Job: Civil Guard Agent
Date of the attack: 03/05/1997
Place of the attack: Zierbena
Guilties: Jesús María Martín Hernando, José Miguel Bustinza Yurrebaso (fallecido), Gaizka Gaztelumendi Gil (fallecido), Asier Uribarri Benito, Lander Maruri Basagoiti
Weapon: Gun
Killed by: ETA
At 9.40 pm on Saturday, an unmasked terrorist entered the El Puerto seafood restaurant in Ciérvana (Vizcaya), 20 kilometres from Bilbao. After shouting ‘Get down!’, he shot José Manuel García Fernández in the back of the head. The civil guard had been having some tapas with his wife at the bar of the restaurant. The terrorist made off in a car driven by another ETA member, which was waiting outside with the engine running.