Born in: Andalucía
Age: 30
Offspring: 2Marital status: Married
Job: Agent of the National Police Service of Motorcyclists
Date of the attack: 15/04/1988
Place of the attack: Gasteiz
Guilties: Juan Carlos Arruti Azpitarte y Ramón Aldasoro Magunacelaya
Weapon: Gun
Killed by: ETA
Francisco Espina Vargas and Antonio Gómez Osuna were part of a motorcycle patrol. They were shot dead as they were checking the IDs of a number of people in Calle Heraclio Fournier, in the centre of Vitoria. An ETA collaborator had previously called the National Police station to complain that there were youths shooting up drugs in the area. When they reached the site, three ETA members emerged from a bar and opened fire on the policemen.