Born in: Euskadi
Age: 31
Offspring: 2Marital status: Married
Job: Advertising manager at Telefónica
Date of the attack: 29/10/1980
Place of the attack: Donostia
Guilties: Manuel Ostolaza Alcozer, Rufino Echeverría Arbelaiz, Luis María Marcos Olaizola, José Antonio Ochoa Alaiza, Martín Zabaleta González, Eusebio Arzalluz Tapia, Fernando Arburúa Iparraguirre.
Weapon: Gun
Killed by: ETA
Juan Carlos Fernández Azpiazu was the co-owner of the Kopos bar in San Sebastian. He was at the establishment when two hooded individuals entered and shot him dead. They then fled to Paseo de los Fueros, where a vehicle was waiting for them. The head of the terrorist cell was Fernando Arburúa, a capuchin monk.
Following an earlier attack on Juan Manuel García Cordero, ETA’s Autonomous Anti-Capitalist Units (Comandos Autónomos Anticapitalistas de ETA) had issued a general threat against people with links to Telefónica, the company where Fernández Azpiazu worked.