Born in: Castilla La Mancha
Age: 45
Offspring: 2Marital status: Married
Job: Armed Police officer
Date of the attack: 01/10/1975
Place of the attack: Madrid
Weapon: Gun
Killed by: GRAPO
GRAPO (the Grupo de Resistencia Antifascista Primero de Octubre or First of October Anti-Fascist Resistance Group) chose 1 October 1975 to make their debut. In the early morning they perpetrated four attacks against officers of the Armed Police who were guarding bank offices in different areas of Madrid. One of them was Agustín Ginés Navarro, who was on duty at a branch office of the Banco Español de Crédito. A number of terrorists walked into the office, shot him and struck him with a blunt instrument. Bank employees took the officer to the health centre on Calle Reyes Magos. From there he was transferred to the Francisco Franco hospital, where he died.